Her Finals Words


Her Finals Words

She looks back upon childhood
and she vaguely sees anything good

Her life story is stroy is a true one no lie
and when she tells it she sees herself die

As a child she once was abused
her mom didnt see it she couldnt figure
out the clues

She was only seven at the time, for Gods sake
so.. she would like to ask "where was her break?"

She wont lie you turned her better for a whlie
no one not even her mom could make her smile

She went through many emotional rollercpasters
because she couldnt stand seeing you touch her sister

You are an evil person for what you did
beacasue she was just an innocent kid

But on the brighter side of all wrong
that you have done
you dont realize how much she has become

You turned her from an innocent child
to a smart young lady
and she wont turn into you; which you are shady

You taught her how to turn a negative into a positive
and for that she is now more sensitive

Her final words are " I meant to thank you all the while"
because if it wasnt for you she wouldnt be able to truly smile

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kpeery09 commented on Her Finals Words


It's truly wonderfully written, excellent work. I love it

redbloodink commented on Her Finals Words


smashing....... How you took me on a ride of this hurt to thank you because you made me stronger then any one would ever know..... I will push on and survive.... And become all that I strive to be.... great job...... red

Tempestlady commented on Her Finals Words


Shoulda turned him in so he couldn't do it to no one else! Great write, straight from the heart. Write on.....

MrGee commented on Her Finals Words


Excellent! It paints a good picture and rhymns well. i especially liked the verse - You turned her from an innocent child to a smart young lady and she wont turn into you; which is shady. And it seems that someone was naughty with your sister, I hate that, no one shud hurt young girls. I did however, want to make one comment Do you proofread your poems for spelling errors? That being said Keep up the good work.

cmlestrade commented on Her Finals Words


You certainly captured the theme of this poem. As an advocate for children my heart breaks and I ask that eternal question when will we stop hurting our kids. Those who don't stop the hurting are doing the hurting as well. Anywho,the rhythm was a little awkward and you have to watch the spelling but the meaning of the poem was perfectly clear. This isn't weak emotional venting but a solid treatment of a topic which is covered up far too often. very very powerful, thank you.

Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

kym’s Poems (15)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Betrayed Love 2
Chapter 3 2
Integrity 2
Chance 1
But... my Words I must chew 21
her final words part II 2
Her Finals Words 9
As I Sit Counting the Days 5
Computer Love 17
Mom 15
Don't get your pleasures because i'm scared 12
Worship Someone You Love 11
scars amd emtions 9
Deep Down Inside 5
So Many 10