scars amd emtions


  • Emotional

    scars amd emtions

    why cant i find true happiness like in the movies?
    why cant i have that piture perfect life?
    i hide my fear and anger underneath my smiles
    but it only lasts for a while
    i bottle it in so i wont be judged but they've
    said i've already judged myself
    i share my feelings with blood, emotions hurt but
    bleeding is painful
    i wish someone were here for me but if
    i'm not here for myself then who would be
    maybe thats the answer for me i need to be
    here for myself
    if i was happy and laughing all the time
    without it being fake
    i wonder what kind of person i would be today
    and if i stopped cutting would the scars
    scar me for life
    people may think i do it for attention and i dont it helps
    relieve the pain
    i have shedded tears and blood and i dont know
    which one is worse
    i just dont hurt me i hurt the people around me
    they have to shedded tears with me but i cant seem to stop cutting
    i ask myself what have i become a
    person who will never love
    if there is a God out there then this is what i have to say "oh please, oh please out my scars away"
    i can promise you one thing is to never cut again
    i dont want to live my life full of regrets
    so grant me just this little wish
    and i promise i will forget

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    evolon commented on scars amd emtions


    i like this it is a good poem .kind of like a real thing some people wouldnt understand it but i did

    Knwldge commented on scars amd emtions


    yo i really like this one, u got deep, this is what we say on myside, U is on ur grown woman

    Firefly17 commented on scars amd emtions


    hey wow this one is crazy i love you so much and im always here if you need to talk you are a very special person and i hope you know that never let anyone put you down because they need to look in the mirror and judge themselves before they can judge you no ones perfect and everyone needs to learn that already i know you have had many problems with people hurting you and putting you down im just hear to tell you i will take your scars away one word at a time i am a true friend for life though sumtimes your not sure im tellin you we all make mistakes and those of us who make the most to hurt sumone in any way are the ones that need to think before talking sum do not realize that just a small joke can create the biggest pain or cause you to do harm to yourself just think of it this way they need to pick on others or find things that bother them to make them feel better . Most people are like this maily the ones we go to school with but im always here have your back no matter what they want to put you down then they have to put me down as well once again i love you with all my heart and i hope to be friends till the end you are an amazing person kmy price and you should always think highly of yourself because even when no ones their for you your always their for them despite the things you have to do thanks for always being your self the world needs people like you people confident in themselfs the ones that are most likely to suceed!!!

    cowboyup1824 commented on scars amd emtions


    I really like this. I don't know if you cut or anything but it would give hope to a teenager in that type of situation. Makes them think that even when there is no one they always have themselves and they don't just hurt themselves but everyone else around them. This one has a lot of dark but uplifting emotion!

    Chaos128 commented on scars amd emtions


    It might be presumptuous of me, but I think that if you can forgive yourself, you'll see things start to fall into place. This is the kind of poem you read over and over again. Good job, Kym

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    kym’s Poems (15)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Betrayed Love 2
    Chapter 3 2
    Integrity 2
    Chance 1
    But... my Words I must chew 21
    her final words part II 2
    Her Finals Words 9
    As I Sit Counting the Days 5
    Computer Love 17
    Mom 15
    Don't get your pleasures because i'm scared 12
    Worship Someone You Love 11
    scars amd emtions 9
    Deep Down Inside 5
    So Many 10