So Many


  • Lost Love

    So Many

    So many years of us
    and you left me crying on the bus

    So many laughters that we had
    and you left me so very sad

    So many changes that we made
    and so now i can hear you calling her "babe"

    So many times we were meant to be together
    but you left me under the weather

    So many times i broke your heart
    and i should have known from the start

    So many nights you would hold me
    amd yes, i felt like a trophy

    So many hugs that we gave
    and now i feel like a love slave

    So many times i think to myself
    and i know im a bottomless pit without your help

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    squadbuddy954 commented on So Many


    this poem place so many thoughts in my head because a lot of stuff comes to mind keep speaking your mind

    Artie commented on So Many


    Nice piece - it shows how so much can change from one extreme to another

    Chaos128 commented on So Many


    Tall Order here. Kinda tough for me, a 31 year old black man from the east coast to comment on work written from the perspective of a seventeen year old white girl from the west coast, but I’ll give it shot. “So Many” strikes me as kind of a journal of circumstances that hurt you deeply once, but now, not so much. But though you haven’t dug in your heels to never forgive, you have no intention of ever forgetting. What affects me most is the almost matter-of-fact style you’ve written it in, which declares that the person/people who tried to hurt you haven’t won at all. If I’m right don’t respond. If I’m wrong don’t respond, and I’ll just tell myself you’re not responding because I’m right and everybody will be happy.

    segzy101 commented on So Many


    very nice. well written and expressed. you may have to write one for me, shall i tell you about my self...?



    yes of course tell me about yourself i would love to get to know you

    Indigogreen16 commented on So Many


    hi kym, this poem is so nice........................................................................

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    kym’s Poems (15)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Betrayed Love 2
    Chapter 3 2
    Integrity 2
    Chance 1
    But... my Words I must chew 21
    her final words part II 2
    Her Finals Words 9
    As I Sit Counting the Days 5
    Computer Love 17
    Mom 15
    Don't get your pleasures because i'm scared 12
    Worship Someone You Love 11
    scars amd emtions 9
    Deep Down Inside 5
    So Many 10