New Light


New Light

I heard a whisper which shattered the silence,

I saw a light in the pitch night,

I felt a flicker of fire against my cool cheek,

I could taste a smile I had forgotten,

And smelt the new spring air in winter.


You were the voice in my ear, and I sighed,

You were the candle as I slept, and I dreamed,

You were the arms which held me as I sobbed,

You were the sweet nothings I kept close,

You were the new dawn after the sun died.


I had surrendered and succumb,

I was afloat and lost,

You had surrendered and overcome,

Drifted and come home...

We were birds of a feather,

Dancing different steps to the same waltz,

A discordant harmony,

Disjointed and identical. 

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DrewMcNee commented on New Light


Wonderful last two lines! Consider changing the title of the piece so as to not to preempt the delight in finding them.



Thank you very much! I did struggle with the title... the previous one was too unrelated and this one, as you say, sort of spoils the ending...

A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Narrator’s Poems (39)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Ablaze 0
A Different Kind of Poet 3
Do You Speak Greek? 0
Dancing Away From Me 4
No Longer An Artist 2
Do not forget 1
Competition 1
To Handsome Stranger 1
Ol' Christopher Marlowe's Day 3
Foolhardy 3
Oh so softly 3
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Dead Filament 4
Wise Fool 4
Mispent Eternity 2
My Sanguine Knight 3
Crimson Tears 5
Condemnation of alternative expression 6
Sir Lancelot 0
In a courtyard of ages 3
From whence all verse was born: 5
Please Realize 3
Here at the end of all things 0
Enduring Eternally 1
The bank of practicality is bust: 1
They can say what they will, I disagree. 2
Poetry Should Rhyme: 5
A new age: Change 0
Fate of a Soul 2
Oh My Love... 1
Standing Still 1
Where the laburnum blossoms fall... 1
Pulling down the stars 1
New Light 1
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Is freedom an illusion? 1