Oh My Love...


Oh My Love...

I had forgotten what it was to live, oh my love,

Till you breathed my name aloud,

Till you reached out a hand and whispered: “Beloved?”

“Will you stay with me, forever and now?”

‘twas as if, oh my love, you shook

Me from a long and hollow dream land,

Cutting through the misty shroud with one pure look

And a hard resounding demand:

“Do dreams truly compare to I?”

“Does my kiss falsehood and trickery belie?”


I understood then, oh my love,

That ‘twas true what they said, about

Love being known only when dreams,

Paled beside reality, like water in a drought,

Your lips nourished my parched soul,

My heart swelled and I smiled...


The brush of your hand on my cheek,

Was oh so much sweeter, oh my love,

Than a thousand princes come,

To spirit me away...


An empty promise is a hollow promise oh my love,

And yours are overflowing.

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bluskyinthenite commented on Oh My Love...





Thank you so very much! :)

Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

Narrator’s Poems (39)

Title Comments
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