Here at the end of all things


Poem Commentary

Some small changes from the original.

Here at the end of all things

I am a soldier born to die,

A man without the fight,

The drive to carry on,

Or the will to fear.


I pray that someone will,

Aid me in my flight,

My bitter trek to freedom,

To a life without regret.


I am despairing and afraid

I repent the days spent,

In selfish adulation,

Worshiping the neverending eternity.


What I would not give,

To live my life again,

To understand the missteps,

The ungoverned errors.


But alas my time is spent,

My days are at a close,

I have espied the golden gates,

And surely I am to sleep now.


I am weary and alone,

Tired and afraid,

I recall the gentle breath,

Of friendship and truth.


I do not dissemble,

On my soul I am just,

I have paid for my sins,

I am sorry.


I stand at last, on the brink,

Waiting for it to come,

I know it must end soon.

I am weeping, undone.


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Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Narrator’s Poems (39)

Title Comments
Title Comments
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