Please Realize


Please Realize

If I lose you today,

I have nothing to fear tomorrow

If I push you away

I need not wither with sorrow.


Do you understand now?


If I lock up my heart and put out the light,

If I say with my own lips I never loved you,

If I give you up without a fight,

Then I need not curse the inevitable adieu.


Do you comprehend me?


Had I from the conception,

Forbid myself to fall in love and dare to hope,

Realised my folly upon reflection,

I should have set myself, beyond your gentle scope.

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raziel69 commented on Please Realize


Great write, i have felt these feeling many times. loved it...Raz



Thank you Raz! I know, the path of love never did run smooth... but sometimes, just sometimes, you meet someone who makes it all worth it :). Narrator.

stellar commented on Please Realize


keep the creative pen flowing.....lovely write...............^_^ v



Again, many thanks for taking the time to read, much obliged to you :)

Tigcateyes commented on Please Realize


Wow! I mean wow! This is powerful and knife edged and I love it! Keep'm coming! Blessed Be



Thank you so very much! So glad you liked it! Narrator.

Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

Narrator’s Poems (39)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Ablaze 0
A Different Kind of Poet 3
Do You Speak Greek? 0
Dancing Away From Me 4
No Longer An Artist 2
Do not forget 1
Competition 1
To Handsome Stranger 1
Ol' Christopher Marlowe's Day 3
Foolhardy 3
Oh so softly 3
'tis oft now I wonder... 5
Free to Soar 9
Dead Filament 4
Wise Fool 4
Mispent Eternity 2
My Sanguine Knight 3
Crimson Tears 5
Condemnation of alternative expression 6
Sir Lancelot 0
In a courtyard of ages 3
From whence all verse was born: 5
Please Realize 3
Here at the end of all things 0
Enduring Eternally 1
The bank of practicality is bust: 1
They can say what they will, I disagree. 2
Poetry Should Rhyme: 5
A new age: Change 0
Fate of a Soul 2
Oh My Love... 1
Standing Still 1
Where the laburnum blossoms fall... 1
Pulling down the stars 1
New Light 1
Ignorance is not bliss... 1
The Decline 1
Is the music of the soul the song of the wind? 3
Is freedom an illusion? 1