Poetry Should Rhyme:


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    Poetry Should Rhyme:

    I cannot for the life of me,

    Compose a verse rhyming, A,B.

    Try as I might the words will not,

    Form coherently! ‘tis my sorry lot,

    To watch them squirm and flail,

    Trying to paint my image to be,

    My wording will not inspiration curtail,

    I long for my inner wordsmith to be free!


    For shame you horrid beast,

    You mock me, limit me,

    You have robbed me of my release!

    Here I work, busy busy bee,

    And you care not, that art is not,

    Bound by rules, tempestuous fiend!

    You would see me starved, left to rot,

    All because I’ll not conform to you.

    Poem Comments


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    arronpalmer commented on Poetry Should Rhyme:


    Hehe, I enjoyed this. Very witty Narrator, wouldn't mind seeing a little more dry commentating from your good self.



    Sorry could have sworn I had replied to this. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment! I am a shameless fan of dry wit, and whilst a little dubvious about this little tryst into the territory, none the less enjoyed writing it. Narrator.

    raziel69 commented on Poetry Should Rhyme:


    cleverly written, and i think it's a great write. enjoyed reading it immensely...Raz



    Thank you Raz, I am glad you enjoyed it, much obliged to you for stopping by :). Narrator

    dahlusion commented on Poetry Should Rhyme:


    "Poetry Should Rhyme"—only if it's a poem that rhymes. i like your thoughts here. peace and light, dah



    Thank you for that dah. Narrator.

    BlackButterfly1 commented on Poetry Should Rhyme:


    And you care not, that art is not, Bound by rules - That's the beauty of it.



    Thank you so very much for taking the time to read and comment!

    DeepEclipse commented on Poetry Should Rhyme:


    Unique display :) Clever way to parallel the mind. And the way you finished the poem by breaking the spell (so to speak) caught me off guard. Creativeness like this is inspirational.



    Thank you Deep Eclipse! Your breathtaking insights never cease to enthrall. I enjoyed writing this one very much.

    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    Narrator’s Poems (39)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Ablaze 0
    A Different Kind of Poet 3
    Do You Speak Greek? 0
    Dancing Away From Me 4
    No Longer An Artist 2
    Do not forget 1
    Competition 1
    To Handsome Stranger 1
    Ol' Christopher Marlowe's Day 3
    Foolhardy 3
    Oh so softly 3
    'tis oft now I wonder... 5
    Free to Soar 9
    Dead Filament 4
    Wise Fool 4
    Mispent Eternity 2
    My Sanguine Knight 3
    Crimson Tears 5
    Condemnation of alternative expression 6
    Sir Lancelot 0
    In a courtyard of ages 3
    From whence all verse was born: 5
    Please Realize 3
    Here at the end of all things 0
    Enduring Eternally 1
    The bank of practicality is bust: 1
    They can say what they will, I disagree. 2
    Poetry Should Rhyme: 5
    A new age: Change 0
    Fate of a Soul 2
    Oh My Love... 1
    Standing Still 1
    Where the laburnum blossoms fall... 1
    Pulling down the stars 1
    New Light 1
    Ignorance is not bliss... 1
    The Decline 1
    Is the music of the soul the song of the wind? 3
    Is freedom an illusion? 1