A new age: Change


A new age: Change

Memorandum: It IS time for change Mr. Cameron.

Though I watch the steady fall,

And witness the ivy threading about my iron crypt,

I find myself detached from the destruction,

Awash with less than interest,

Not caring that my unspoken predictions were correct.


I told myself a year ago, a month ago, the day before,

That it would not happen,

Could not happen in a capitalist west,

Knowing all along with a quiet dread,

That it was inevitable,

And this was why democracy was dead.


When the heart had ceased to listen to the limbs,

And starved the limbs had revolted,

When the rich became the poor,

Their minds and souls despoiled,

The poor became the poorer,

And the wealth?

 Disappeared, a body in the soil.


Patriotism is not for the faint of heart,

It is consuming, exhausting, an uphill plight,

It is like trying to battle an unseen nemesis,

Called the state.


Where once the flag, the Empire’s pride,

Was truly the symbol of freedom,

Equality, a happy life,

It is sullied now with concessions,

Europe, Brussels,

War, Blair...

Names, symbols... meaningless nothings.

When it comes to the crunch,

Do you know what it is?


Why society’s at odds with itself,

Where the old and young are aliens to the other,

Where a child goes, father, mother?

With a bolt of uncertainty,

Which can only mark, removal or submission.

Why even now the cathedral of self belief is crumbling?


Democracy my friend is dead.


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Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Narrator’s Poems (39)

Title Comments
Title Comments
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