Sir Lancelot


Poem Commentary

A tenuous attempt at a sonnet written some time ago so bear with it! Written for fun.

Sir Lancelot

An arm of steel, the noble lance of the king,

Your badge of office and truth reckoning,

To your right he sat, raven haired to bring,

By his unplanned fault, God’s call, beckoning.

Once his to claim, the Siege Perilous,

Destined to lead him into loves embrace,

The lady, his Queen, would set sword to rust.

Given in the end, with dithering haste,

Loyalty to crown, to heart, and to self,

Strong, just and proud, by the Grail slighted.

Before fate and destiny, the man knelt,

Champion of hearts, by failure blighted,

Lord of the Lake, the knight Sir Lancelot,

Entwined in legend, the gem of Camelot!

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Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

Narrator’s Poems (39)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Ablaze 0
A Different Kind of Poet 3
Do You Speak Greek? 0
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Competition 1
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Condemnation of alternative expression 6
Sir Lancelot 0
In a courtyard of ages 3
From whence all verse was born: 5
Please Realize 3
Here at the end of all things 0
Enduring Eternally 1
The bank of practicality is bust: 1
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