Standing Still


Standing Still

I have lain under the sun and basked in her glow,

her whispered words calming and soothing me, nursing the woe,

the earth held me aloft as an offering to its mother,

the sun looked down and smiled; she kissed me softly and held me thus.


When the clouds shift and murmur, shrouding her touch,

when the storm begins to gather and the skies churn,

when the tempest lets loose his rage,

there you will find me, face to the fall, standing stock still,


for I cannot live without her smile, her tender warmth,

she is the drive and exaltation the barrage of life in my soul.

I know what it is to stand in the dark and fear the morn’,

she put breath in my lungs and taught me to lust for the rise.


I am born of the earth, but I am the son of the skies,

I am the daughter of the moon and the Eagle that flies,

I have seen the world decay and re-emerge and I shall endure...


Look to the hills and look to the meadows,

watch for me when next the light begins to fade,

and find me waving farewell on my lonely hill,

to wait in sleep for the new dawn to come.

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DeepEclipse commented on Standing Still


Passionate. Explaining the sun's warmth akin to a mother's love. This poem hits me in a different way because instead of showing a self-dependence: [for I cannot live without her smile, her tender warmth, she is the drive and exaltation the barrage of life in my soul] - it actually shows a co-dependence, which most of us won't admit to. But its true. We all need something. Your emotinal delivery towards expressing the yearning and the connection was excellent. Both powerful and beautiful. I enjoy the feeling of this piece.



Your comments never cease to astound me, you seem to have a gift for exposing the heart of my work effortlessly and remind me of the force and emotion which goes into a poem. I tried to make this as raw and honest as possible, it was about getting down the essence of a person's soul, and the need and reliance we all have in some form or another, regardless of whether we choose to acknowledge it.

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

Narrator’s Poems (39)

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