Fate of a Soul


Fate of a Soul

I want to know the answers to the questions within,

Learn to tame the beast of my inner fire,

Feel the wind on my face and the rain in my hair,

Learn the rhythm of the secret in my soul.


I have wept before the heathen cross of my fallen God,

Not knowing with what to fill the void, a martyr with no purpose,

I am fighting myself for control,

It is a battle I am losing and I am powerless to resist.


There are ravines in the flesh of my cheeks,

The deep tracks my tears have worn in my skin,

I have fallen and stood up, risen to the mark,

I am laying in the filth of my own fear.


I was strong once, I overcame, I was...

I was a warrior, a lover, a woman, a sword,

The last defence before the storm,

I am nothing now, just a shell, a decaying husk.


This I once saw in a mirror of stars,

Betrayed by the sunlight, discarded by the night,

Even then I was afraid, it was the

Future to be sure, but in the past it was...


That terrible never, an eternity to endure,

A breath away, I was beyond a cure...

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Hiporlacking commented on Fate of a Soul


Ontological questions sometimes bring about more damage than good. Sadly ignorance is not bliss. Keep writing. You are very talented. What a mind you must have for being only 17. Your work shows a maturity not often found in the works of your peers.



Deep thanks. Recieving any comment is always a joy and encourages humility and grounding, yours did both and also made me smile, so a thousand thanks again! Yes I often find that ontological questions leave me very frustrated, for if nothing but itslef maybe considered definitive proof, then speculation must surely be useless. I find though, despite such logic, there is a niggling temptation to ignore it and mull regardless. Thank you again, your comments are greatly appreciated.

DeepEclipse commented on Fate of a Soul


It exposes itself bare. Not holding back in laying out the shredded, shattered pieces of the soul. A poem that deeply knows itself. Perhaps honesty will bring understanding. Very emotional poem.



Thank you for taking the time to read my poem, your comments always add something extra to finishing the journey a poem inevitably takes you on as a writer. It is supposed to be, if nothing else, honest, there is, I feel something which needs to be exposed then examined there, something which is essential for development within oneself. Again, many thanks for reading!

Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

Narrator’s Poems (39)

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