


I only wish I could compete,

That I even had the same

Apparatus and appeal.

I am a world apart from

Your one and only love,

The three lettered bane

Of my understated self.


I know that reality has been

Dulled by the reflection

Of her perfection on your


But I long to possess a sliver

A shard of that mirror,

Which is a window to your soul.


There was a time when

Time stood still,

When there was a chance

For you and I.

The past is ever present

In my memories of ‘we’

Forgotten in the haze of your addiction.


Remember the days we danced

Together beneath the moon,

Basked in the sweet innocence

Of love’s sweet glow,

Is all we shared side by side

Erased from yourself?

Should I fight to fight or

succumb and surrender?

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unsungpoet commented on Competition


Wow! the concept is captivating, you have a way of keeping us in suspence while trilling us to an appealling finish.



Thank you so very much for taking the time to read an comment! I am glad you enjoyed it, it was written when I was in a strange mood... :) Narrator

Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

Narrator’s Poems (39)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Ablaze 0
A Different Kind of Poet 3
Do You Speak Greek? 0
Dancing Away From Me 4
No Longer An Artist 2
Do not forget 1
Competition 1
To Handsome Stranger 1
Ol' Christopher Marlowe's Day 3
Foolhardy 3
Oh so softly 3
'tis oft now I wonder... 5
Free to Soar 9
Dead Filament 4
Wise Fool 4
Mispent Eternity 2
My Sanguine Knight 3
Crimson Tears 5
Condemnation of alternative expression 6
Sir Lancelot 0
In a courtyard of ages 3
From whence all verse was born: 5
Please Realize 3
Here at the end of all things 0
Enduring Eternally 1
The bank of practicality is bust: 1
They can say what they will, I disagree. 2
Poetry Should Rhyme: 5
A new age: Change 0
Fate of a Soul 2
Oh My Love... 1
Standing Still 1
Where the laburnum blossoms fall... 1
Pulling down the stars 1
New Light 1
Ignorance is not bliss... 1
The Decline 1
Is the music of the soul the song of the wind? 3
Is freedom an illusion? 1