Not To Care


Not To Care

I am the one that is negative for share pictures of abuse or death or of those in dire need of a good home. I am always posting stories of all these destructive, chaotic, and careless people that are taking the homes, families and lives of those who can't defend themselves. How can I care about a starving, homeless baby when there are so many other things like expensive shoes or necessary electronics that need my money. Multimillionaires that have nothing better to do then make me wish I was them or the half naked whores that show everything personal just to get attention. How rude of me to not pay extra attention to other people's drama that they can't get their “fat” asses in a size zero. I am so cruel to ever think that other people might need to be prayed for, donated to, or cared about. Who am I to hear the cries of all those people who mean nothing to me? So what if those animals are dying just for their skins. Why should I care about the forest? I'm sure that someone will come up with a way to keep us breathing or feed. And will someone do something with that crying child? Take them somewhere else. I don't care if they are hungry. It's not my problem that the water, air, and land is polluted. Thanks for opening my eyes, everyone. I'll remember to ignore you in your time of need just like you want me to ignore those who actually need the attention.

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windsongs commented on Not To Care


u cant ignore for the sea is filled with nutrients from heart felt emotion with your acknowledgement

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

KJH’s Poems (37)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Hate When I Miss You 0
Left To Die 0
Peaceful Irish Maiden 0
Not To Care 1
My Little Devil 0
Taken The Soul 0
Tears Streaming 0
A Lover's Painting 1
Living Dead 1
Last Good-Bye 0
A Heart's Poem 0
My Anger 0
Dear Michael 0
Ceremony Of Space 0
Poetry 0
Company 0
Chris Ain't Getting Some 0
Bond 0
I Am Me 0
Alexia's Letter To Alfred 0
To The Only Father I Ever Knew 0
Coming Home To Heaven 0
Alfred's Poem To Alexia 1
Don't You Think? 1
Born 1
We Will Miss You 1
Do you love me? 0
I Hate You 3
My Heart's Beat 1
A Beautiful People 1
A Twisted Child 1
Thanks Dad 2
You Won't Win 1
Imagination 1
How Much I Love You 2

KJH’s Friends (1)