I Hate You


  • Anger

    I Hate You

    I hate you.
    I hate what you did.
    I hate what you did to me and my sister.
    I hate you for even helping with creation of me.
    I hate the life that you helped breathe into me.
    I hate the words 'father', 'daddy', and 'love'.
    I hope that the rest of the world hates you to.
    I hate the way that I look.
    I hate to look into the mirror.
    I hate for people to see me.
    I hate when they say I look like you.
    I hate you.

    I hate the summer that I had to spend there with you.
    I hate the fact that you even exist.
    I hate the way I remember.
    I hate when I have to remember.
    I hate when I want to die.
    I hate when they won't let me die.
    I hope that you catch something so nasty.
    I hate your face.
    I hate your body.
    I hate your lungs, heart, and mind.
    I hate you living.
    I hate you dead.

    I can't wait for you to go to Hell.
    I can't wait to meet you there.
    I want to kill you myself.
    I wish that you weren't ever born.
    I hope that you cross by my way.
    I wish that I would see you someplace.
    I want to cut off your **** and stuff it down your throat.
    I want to chain you up into a ball.
    I want to hang you from the cieling by you bellybutton.
    I want you to slowly bleed to death.
    I want you to think about what you did.
    I want you to think hard.

    If you do manage to escape before I do get to kill you in this world, you won't in the next.
    I won't let you go that easy, oh Hell no.
    I will do worst than the Devil herself can think of.
    I hate you.
    I hate the stench of your 'love'.
    I hate the way that you think about yourself.
    I hate that you think yo are innocent.
    I hate when you enter my mind during all hours of the day and night.
    I hate that you won't let me make love.
    I hate the way you smirk at me.
    I hate seeing you.
    I hate you cold, but purely.

    I Hate You.

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    smoothdame commented on I Hate You


    You go girl rage on, don't be afraid to tell the truth and write it all down it can be a healing affari that grants you peace enough to forgive others that hurt and betray you so that they lose the power they hold over you.

    theladyz commented on I Hate You


    Honesty is your sword, anger your shield, pain your badge of honor. The tears you cry are always fresh, your fear is petrified and this bold warrior is still a savaged child within. Well written. I hate him too.

    Phoenix9 commented on I Hate You


    wow very well written

    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    KJH’s Poems (37)

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    My Heart's Beat 1
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    Thanks Dad 2
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    KJH’s Friends (1)