Dear Michael


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  • Fantasy

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    We miss you Michael Jackson and we pray that you are at peace where you are now. Rest In Peace

    Dear Michael

    Dear Michael,

       I have dreamt of you again last night. The stage was night and the stars illuminated you perfectly. Your wings spread to show me the hands that bare the golden sun and the sliver moon. Both lights showed the beauty of you as you held both at the sides of your face. Each ivory star slowly transformed into a child surrounding you. They each were traditionally dressed while holding a lite candle that resembled them. You stood there smiling at me with a Heavenliness shining in your eyes.

       You have taken my hands and we danced on the milky-way. The young children sang in an Angelic choir. I watched them dance in a slow spin as you made your trademark movements. You slowly slide your hat from your face revealing the sweet eyes of a true Earth Angel. You held out a gentle hand to me and I gracefully took it. You brought me closer to you.

       We walked along Orion's Belt watching all the little stars running past us, sleeping, curled up into little balls of light, and giggling secrets into our ears. We smiled and laughed with them. I watched your eyes as we walked away from Orion. I can see all of the Heavens reflecting in them. Those beautiful browns hold all the wonders and amusements of the Heavens within reflections. You hold onto my hand tightly as if I would float away. I never wondered how far we walked or far we would continue on our love journey through Heaven.

       We came to a table of planets. We watched them spinning in small circles moving in larger ones around the golden sun. You waved your hand in a large circle above them to make them into marbles. You scooped them up in your hands. You placed them into mine and closed my fists.I looked up at you. I allowed the solar system to slip through my hands. You replaced the tiny planets within yours. I searched your eyes looking through the stars, planets, and bright lights. I realized it was true.

       I didn't noticed we were moving until I noticed the fog. I realized, as I looked around, the planets that we held in our hands were dancing amongst us with splendid Victorian ballroom gowns and outfits. I was in awe at the sight of the men and women of the plaents. There was barely anything that could take my attention from them. It was you that caught my eye. We danced slowly in the Heavens and became closer to each other than ever before.

       You came in for the kiss and our lips pressed so tightly together, creating the brightest light anyone in the galaxy has ever seen. When I opened my eyes you were pulling your head back away from me. I can see the one side of your face from the moonlight coming in from the window. You smiled at me and giggled one last time. Then I blinked and it was morning.

       I long for the day that I see you again, though I know that it may never be of this lifetime, though it may not be of the same place, thouh it may never be again. I wish you peace and happiness whereever you roam now. My heart has, does, and always will belong to you. Carry it wherever you msy go.



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    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

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