Let's Breakup


  • Love

    Let's Breakup

    This thing between us doesn't
    seem to be working, we continue
    to fight and scream.
    We can't seem to agree on
    anything and this wall has
    grown up between us.
    We keep hurting ourselves and
    each other on this merry go round.
    Let's breakup, let's finally agree
    to disagree and not be disagreeable.
    Let's end this cruel charade
    and move on with our lives.
    I let you into my brain to hard,
    I must get back to taking care of me.
    I love you but I can't do this anymore.
    We are not loving each other, we
    are hurting each other.
    This time it has to be over,
    there is no more second chances with us,
    we were not meant to be.
    We gave it our best shot,
    we gave it our all,
    we tried everything we could
    to stay together.
    Let's finally agree to go our separate ways
    and begin fresh new relationships.
    Let's end with no hard feelings,
    and one day we may even be able
    to be friends, imagine that. 

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    ESSENCEOFLOVE commented on Let's Breakup


    Love it !! Know when to say when. Some relationships can be toxic and unproductive knowing when to let go is a sign of growth, maturity, and wisdom. Great write.....E



    And those same relationships are often the hardest to break because so much passion and fire are involved.

    BrokenHeart2009 commented on Let's Breakup


    Very down to earth poem on letting go and realization it is not meant to be.



    thank you for reading and responding to my poem. thank you for understanding my point of view.

    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    smoothdame’s Poems (29)

    Title Comments
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    Prosaic Nation 0
    Chains 3
    Truth bout me 1
    Inner us 1
    Letting go 3
    For you 2
    The Game 1
    Unattractive 6
    Confusion 3
    All of me 6
    Raw 3
    Fear me revisited 6
    Fear Me 4
    I can be 4
    Illusion Gone 5
    Scraps 6
    Stand (The Patriot Act) 6
    Made to love you 2
    Waiting 3
    Like That 3
    I want to fall in love 3
    Submerged revisited 0
    Let's Breakup 2
    Silence 1
    Alone 2
    U 2
    Good Enough 3
    School is a Business 2
    You had your day 2