You had your day


  • Love

    You had your day

    My everything, my only love
    yet you betrayed my trust, my heart.
    You tossed me aside like yesterdays trash,
    now seeing how cruel the world is you
    reappear with sorry on your lips.
    I cried for you and went through emotional
    turmoil because of you.
    My world has changed and I thank you
    but I've decided to take back my feelings
    and continue on without you.
    I know the truth now, I know who you are
    and I don't love you anymore.
    The illusion is gone and I am stronger for it
    take your bow and get out of my way,
    yesterday was yours and tomorrow is mine.

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    optimistic commented on You had your day


    Very excellent poem it brings back some memories of things that are really hit home real close good write.



    I was in a place and I went with it thank you for taking the time to read and respond to my poem.

    smoothdame commented on You had your day


    I wrote this poem to empower young women to take back their feelings when the relationship falls apart and be able to move on with dignity and grace.

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    smoothdame’s Poems (29)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Prosaic Nation 0
    Chains 3
    Truth bout me 1
    Inner us 1
    Letting go 3
    For you 2
    The Game 1
    Unattractive 6
    Confusion 3
    All of me 6
    Raw 3
    Fear me revisited 6
    Fear Me 4
    I can be 4
    Illusion Gone 5
    Scraps 6
    Stand (The Patriot Act) 6
    Made to love you 2
    Waiting 3
    Like That 3
    I want to fall in love 3
    Submerged revisited 0
    Let's Breakup 2
    Silence 1
    Alone 2
    U 2
    Good Enough 3
    School is a Business 2
    You had your day 2