Truth bout me


Poem Commentary

this goes out to everyone who was ever hurt and believes that their life is over. I am here to say that it is not, things will get better if you get it off your chest. When something is eating at you you have to use it, it will help you get through the pain and come out on the other side.

Truth bout me

Time falls away
yet the essence of
us still remains.
The twists and turns of
fate that have led us to today,
no longer complicated by goodbyes.
I was lost in my grief I'll admit that,
I was never used to failure,
something that I couldn't fix scared me.
I thought that my life with you meant
everything, I was wrong I mean everything.
Our love was killing me because I was the
only one giving it my all.
Hard to admit that I was a total fool for you,
but heartache is an excellent teacher of the
Love was my affliction and also my addiction,
when it was over I was in shock then withdrawl.
Anger and regret became my only comforts,
yet time marched on.
I made it through the rain with a kinder, resilent heart,
I found my pot of gold and a new lease on life.
You were a vital leaf in my life once, but now I am
on the path of finding the route to my tree.
You showed me how to love and how to live as well,
these lessons are apart of my soul now.
I am a stronger person because of you,
and I am glad to have been loved by you. 

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ESSENCEOFLOVE commented on Truth bout me


LOVE THIS!!!!!! I can so relate. excellent expression and I can feel your strength shining through. Amazing ;-) E



thank you so much for reading my poem I had these unresolved feelings that I had to get out in the open and this poem helped me heal.

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

smoothdame’s Poems (29)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Prosaic Nation 0
Chains 3
Truth bout me 1
Inner us 1
Letting go 3
For you 2
The Game 1
Unattractive 6
Confusion 3
All of me 6
Raw 3
Fear me revisited 6
Fear Me 4
I can be 4
Illusion Gone 5
Scraps 6
Stand (The Patriot Act) 6
Made to love you 2
Waiting 3
Like That 3
I want to fall in love 3
Submerged revisited 0
Let's Breakup 2
Silence 1
Alone 2
U 2
Good Enough 3
School is a Business 2
You had your day 2