  • Lost Love


    We belong together I
    just can't get you to see reality.
    We are soulmates I'm
    just not the only one you see.
    There are thoughts of you running constantly through my brain,
    yet the silence and distance between u and me continues to break my heart.
    We both said let go but I just kept hanging on to hope.
    Inside I know it's over your really gone,
    I just can't seem to come to terms with my grief.
    The loss of us was just too much for me to deal with,
    taking two steps forward and three steps back.
    Riding past your house to get a stolen glance of you,
    we can't be friends cause I'm still in love with you.
    At night I pray that when the sun rises the truth is
    a dream and the lie is reality.

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    Kdaddy commented on U


    The frustration and hurt of losing someone that felt so good to be with, oh what pain! Good job expressing emotion.



    thank you for reading and responding to my poem.

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    smoothdame’s Poems (29)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Prosaic Nation 0
    Chains 3
    Truth bout me 1
    Inner us 1
    Letting go 3
    For you 2
    The Game 1
    Unattractive 6
    Confusion 3
    All of me 6
    Raw 3
    Fear me revisited 6
    Fear Me 4
    I can be 4
    Illusion Gone 5
    Scraps 6
    Stand (The Patriot Act) 6
    Made to love you 2
    Waiting 3
    Like That 3
    I want to fall in love 3
    Submerged revisited 0
    Let's Breakup 2
    Silence 1
    Alone 2
    U 2
    Good Enough 3
    School is a Business 2
    You had your day 2