Illusion Gone


  • Life

    Poem Commentary

    This poem is about my first experience in the real world and how I chose to deal with it.

    Illusion Gone

    In the beginning there was laughter,
    joy and adventure.
    Then reality set in, the mirage
    I had been shown became clear.
    I was meant to work 24/7 and
    never have time for myself.
    Told lie after lie and still
    expected to be happy.
    Ended my journey early but I
    now know how the real world works.
    I know now that this move was the
    best for me, it opened my eyes to
    the truth.
    I want all who believe in the
    company to think long and hard
    before they make the move,
    or should I say take the plunge.

    Poem Comments


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    WordSlinger commented on Illusion Gone


    Well it gets better, but you have to let it, life has many pits, just learn to walk around them, and all should be well, ty WS



    thank you for reading and responding to my poem

    JadedJezzabel commented on Illusion Gone


    the truth hurts sometimes...........nice write..........keep writing if only to purge



    thanks for the love and I will keep writing. thank you for taking the time to read and respond to my poem.

    ESSENCEOFLOVE commented on Illusion Gone


    To me, this poem is about growing from a child to and adult. As a child there is time for each and every and endeavor but as the aging process goes on with age comes responsibility and less time. Some choices we make can end our childhood early, then reality sets in because hindsight is 20/20. Great write. I loved it!...........E



    thank you for reading and responding to my poem. I was trying to write a journey piece in a new way.

    kdarcy commented on Illusion Gone


    Sounds like the reality of the streets, forced to sell yourself and be avaialble 24/7, before getting out. Deeper thought may find something else, be well k



    thank you for reading and responding to my poem.

    smoothdame commented on Illusion Gone


    I would like all who read this poem to give their first impression of this poem right off the top of their heads, don't think just write a response to it.

    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    smoothdame’s Poems (29)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Prosaic Nation 0
    Chains 3
    Truth bout me 1
    Inner us 1
    Letting go 3
    For you 2
    The Game 1
    Unattractive 6
    Confusion 3
    All of me 6
    Raw 3
    Fear me revisited 6
    Fear Me 4
    I can be 4
    Illusion Gone 5
    Scraps 6
    Stand (The Patriot Act) 6
    Made to love you 2
    Waiting 3
    Like That 3
    I want to fall in love 3
    Submerged revisited 0
    Let's Breakup 2
    Silence 1
    Alone 2
    U 2
    Good Enough 3
    School is a Business 2
    You had your day 2