All of me


All of me

How dare you change your mind
and stop loving me, when I gave you everything.
How dare you smile and laugh with her,
while I am left with all the pain.
How dare you comment that I was the one to blame,
when you cheated, lied and played your mind games.
It hurts to breathe sometimes,
yet I take pride in the fact that each breath I take,
proves I can live without you.
I'm taking back my feelings because the saddest
thing in the world is loving someone who used to love you.
I swear honey I don't miss you, I miss who I thought you were,
kind, beautiful and worthy of my heart.
High off of love once, now in a downward spiral
yet I am grateful we were once connected.
Crazy but I like the way it hurts,
you have taught me the hardest lesson of love,
it coldly ends but the fire is worth the pain.

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sweetchinee commented on All of me


This poem was definitely written with a lot of emotion which I feel as I read.... beautifully expressed... looking forward to reading more....



thank you it was very emotional for me to write but it was something that i needed to get off my chest.

Chaos128 commented on All of me


It reminds me of a Friedrich Nietzsche: "That which does not kill us makes us stronger." Although most of us could do just fine without the experience. A common theme singularly and originally expressed.



thank you for taking the time to read and respond to my poem.

Maxsbabyforever commented on All of me


My... You continue to amaze me.... Keep writing. It's amazing the talent you have...



I will and thank you for the love and reading and responding to my poem.

JadedJezzabel commented on All of me


i hear you i think we all like the way it hurts............write on



thank you I will. I know I write alot about love but it helps me through the tough times.

WordSlinger commented on All of me


I hear that, we all are burnt, I believe in one way or the other, or fried, ty WS



thank you so much for taking the time to read and respond to my work.

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

smoothdame’s Poems (29)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Prosaic Nation 0
Chains 3
Truth bout me 1
Inner us 1
Letting go 3
For you 2
The Game 1
Unattractive 6
Confusion 3
All of me 6
Raw 3
Fear me revisited 6
Fear Me 4
I can be 4
Illusion Gone 5
Scraps 6
Stand (The Patriot Act) 6
Made to love you 2
Waiting 3
Like That 3
I want to fall in love 3
Submerged revisited 0
Let's Breakup 2
Silence 1
Alone 2
U 2
Good Enough 3
School is a Business 2
You had your day 2