Inner us


  • Love

    Inner us

    Equal yet unequal
    together and apart,
    this seems to be the
    inner workings of us.
    Can't live with you
    can't survive without you,
    something always brings me
    back to you.
    Hard to stay peaceful
    but we know the buttons
    to push each other over
    the edge of reason.
    Finish each others sentences
    yet drive each other crazy,
    I'm glad that what we have
    always works itself out.
    Silent and loud, messy and neat
    we understand the truth about each other.
    I accept you just the way you are
    and you don't try to mold me into the perfect mate.
    Our differences define who we are,
    and why we love the turbulent way we do.

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    ESSENCEOFLOVE commented on Inner us


    Very nice way to express how opposites attract and connect in ways only the two can understand. Well done...........E

    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    smoothdame’s Poems (29)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Prosaic Nation 0
    Chains 3
    Truth bout me 1
    Inner us 1
    Letting go 3
    For you 2
    The Game 1
    Unattractive 6
    Confusion 3
    All of me 6
    Raw 3
    Fear me revisited 6
    Fear Me 4
    I can be 4
    Illusion Gone 5
    Scraps 6
    Stand (The Patriot Act) 6
    Made to love you 2
    Waiting 3
    Like That 3
    I want to fall in love 3
    Submerged revisited 0
    Let's Breakup 2
    Silence 1
    Alone 2
    U 2
    Good Enough 3
    School is a Business 2
    You had your day 2