Your friend


  • Love
  • ,
  • Devotion

    Your friend


    Oh, how crazy you make me.

    I want you so bad

    The need to have you is like fire in my veins.

    You make my body scream with desire.

    I both want to run to you

    And away from you.

    Needing so badly to have you inside me,

    But knowing one touch,

    just one soft brush of your fingers

    will be my undoing.


    My passion pools deep in my belly

    Settling between my legs.

    I watch your mouth move,

    Your eyes sparkle.

    When you wet your lips

    I shiver with desire.


    Your words are lost on the wind

    I only here the rapid beat of my heart

    And the deep growl in my head.

    “Take him, take him, now”

    “Capture his lips with yours”

    “Stop his words with your tongue”


    Oh how I want....

    But just before I move to touch heaven,
    your words ring painfully clear.

    “She is my life.”
    You say.
    “I love her”
    You tell me.

    A deceptive smile
    A gentle touch to your hand
    “Then you should be with her”
    I cheerfully advise.

    How many years must I indure?
    How many women will it take?
    When, Oh God, When will you see me!

    Heartbreak after heartbreak
    and I am still here!
    Wanting, needing, longing
    for just one touch!

    And as you send me into a frenzy
    with your soft smile and friendly hug,
    I will swear "Never again"!
    I will promise to move on,
    leave you to your own devices!

    Only to break that oath
    When you call at midnight,
    lonely and looking for your "best friend".
    Only to race over to you
    when your sick in bed.
    Only to be your shoulder, your rock
    when the next one breaks your heart.

    Yes, I will be there,
    Holding back my desire

    your friend.

    Poem Comments


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    sylvia commented on Your friend


    thats a good poem i can relate its the worst place to be

    rougepriest commented on Your friend


    nicely done Dee, terrible sot to be in, tell the wife how ya feel

    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    DeeVoelkel’s Poems (20)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Life as it is 1
    Ghost 2
    Oh God! 2
    What Can I say? 3
    Revenge 5
    Mmmmm 7
    I am the duck 4
    Broken 5
    Not Without MyLove 2
    Before I Close My Eyes 1
    Harsh reality 1
    Why I hate you 5
    Your friend 2
    Kiss Off! 1
    Within 4
    Family? 1
    Why 2
    Burden 1
    Contemplating possibilities 2
    Loss of Desire 2