DeeVoelkel’s Profile

  • Age: 49
  • Location: Hubert, NC
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: US
  • Public Profile URL:


I was born and raised in Northwestern Ohio, but joined the Navy and ended up retiring here in Eastern North Carolina. I have written my whole life. (it's the only way I find to stay semi sane!)
Three adult kids and a grumpy husband keeps me busy, but I always have time to write and create. Just keep in writing is fantasy...not reality! I have never actually killed, maimed, poisoned, or plotted the demise of anyone. Nor do I believe that aliens have landed, vampires actually hold government offices, or warlocks are out to get me. I do, however, believe skynet will become self aware from my house and the apocalypse will be zombie related!


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The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

DeeVoelkel’s Poems (20)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Life as it is 1
Ghost 2
Oh God! 2
What Can I say? 3
Revenge 5
Mmmmm 7
I am the duck 4
Broken 5
Not Without MyLove 2
Before I Close My Eyes 1
Harsh reality 1
Why I hate you 5
Your friend 2
Kiss Off! 1
Within 4
Family? 1
Why 2
Burden 1
Contemplating possibilities 2
Loss of Desire 2