I am the duck


I am the duck

I am the duck on the pond.

My feet moving,

Hard and fast

Just to stay a float.


I scream,

 I beg,

I plead for you to see,

But it’s all inside.


I cry when I am alone,

This is almost always,

The tears like acid

Etching tracks into my cheeks.


But why do I weep,

Once I believed

My tears where from longing,

Needing, missing your affection.


Now I’m not so sure.


I have lost my dreams,

I have lost my shiny outlook

I think, no, I know,

I have lost hope.


You look without seeing,

I am right in front of you,

But do you care?

I think, no.


I am important.

I am funny.

People like me,

They enjoy my company.


Not you.

Not the one man who should love me,

Love me above all others

Think of my first, last, always.


See in me the good.

Love what I have to offer

Damn it!

Just want what I have to offer!

Look my way!

Want to be with me,

Want to see me smile,

Enjoy my laughter.


I should go,

Before it’s too late

Before I forget

Forget that there is Love.


I want to go back,

I want my hopes returned,

My silly notions of love,

Dreams of the knight on his steed.


I won’t leave.

It’s too late to go back,

To jaded,

To empty.


And yet I still fight……Why?


I am the duck on the pond.

My feet moving

Hard, fast,

Just to stay afloat

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jj1562 commented on I am the duck


i liket it great poem good flow a high nine from me

burnningman commented on I am the duck


Great poem i like it for sure it made sense and was easy to read

lastyl commented on I am the duck


once again, great write, I'm becoming a fan of your poetry!! Indeed, it's hard love!! but it's never to late!!

ShadowStealer commented on I am the duck


Aren't we all trying to stay afloat on the sea of life and love??? I know what it feels like to be ignored. ShadowStealer

The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

DeeVoelkel’s Poems (20)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Life as it is 1
Ghost 2
Oh God! 2
What Can I say? 3
Revenge 5
Mmmmm 7
I am the duck 4
Broken 5
Not Without MyLove 2
Before I Close My Eyes 1
Harsh reality 1
Why I hate you 5
Your friend 2
Kiss Off! 1
Within 4
Family? 1
Why 2
Burden 1
Contemplating possibilities 2
Loss of Desire 2