


I feel you near

The soft cascade of your breath

Caressing across my lips

Like the gentle touch of silk.


My heart aches to see you

My hands longing to touch you

The maddening silence

Of your absence.


Your ghost dances through my mind

Smiling, laughing,

God, if I could only hold you

Just one more time.


My throat raw from begging

Bargaining, pleading

If only for one more chance

To tell you I need you.


Darkness presses in,

The weight of our cotton sheets

Restraining me, holding me tight

In the bed we once shared.


There’s no point in fighting

Closing me eyes only brings me closer

Closer to the edge

The never ending precipice of sorrow.


I have struggled so long

Grasping, grappling

For the frail strands, my only link

To sanity.


I hunger for the freedom,

The peace that will only come

If I just let go

And fall.

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lastyl commented on Ghost


Beautifully written, I understand your pain. I felt the same way, never suggest to let go but sometimes you just don't have any better choices. I let go finally, I'm free, happy and I'm at peace. Well done, I hope you find what you're looking for.

FranzJ commented on Ghost


As i have said before, lost or broken love maakes the best fuel for poetry - as your poem shows - nicely done and a bit of a surprise ending- but never let go

The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

DeeVoelkel’s Poems (20)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Life as it is 1
Ghost 2
Oh God! 2
What Can I say? 3
Revenge 5
Mmmmm 7
I am the duck 4
Broken 5
Not Without MyLove 2
Before I Close My Eyes 1
Harsh reality 1
Why I hate you 5
Your friend 2
Kiss Off! 1
Within 4
Family? 1
Why 2
Burden 1
Contemplating possibilities 2
Loss of Desire 2