Not Without MyLove


Poem Commentary

I jotted this down, but I'm not really sure how I feel about it. Maybe the stanzas are to short for the repetition. Please let me know how you feel.

Not Without MyLove

I will not go,

I’ll wait here.

Forever if need be.

For I will not go without my love.


I am weightless,

No form to my body,

I can fly away,

But I will not go without my love.


I see them cry,

Their sorrow hurts my heart,

I turn away,

But I will not go without my love.


In the distant light

I hear them call,

“Come away, child. Come away.”

But I will not go without my love.


He is not here,

In this room of pain,

I should look for him,

For I will not go without my love.


I move slowly,

Like a shadow,

To the hall,

For I will not go without my love.


There is such a crowd,

Crying hugging,

But I see him not,

But I will not go without my love.


“I tried to catch her, but I was too late”

I hear your voice,

It makes my skin crawl,

Yes, I will not go without my love.


Your eyes shine,

With unshed tears,

A frown upon your face,

No, I will not go without my love.

I move to you,

Sliding through you,

You shiver with fear,

You know, I will not go without my love.


“I don’t feel well.”

Stumbling towards the bathroom,

Hearing me repeat,

“I will not go without my love.”


Standing behind you,

As you stair at the mirror,

My reflection not showing,

“I will not go without my love.”


“No” You cry in response,

As I run my hands across your neck,

Goose bumps rising as I whisper,

“I will not go without my love.


You turn,

Fear in your eyes,

I stand in front of you and repeat,

“I will not go without my love”


You run for the door,

Screaming for help,

I follow,

Knowing I will not go without my love.


“Help me please!”

“I’ve seen her”

“I’ve heard her say,

She will not go without her love!”


I brush against you,

Blow in your ear,

You back away,

You know I will not go with out my love.


“No it’s not possible.”

“I watched you die!”

“I killed you!”

Yes, but I will not go without my love.



The days stretch into weeks,

The weeks into months,

Year after year I whisper,

“I will not go without my love.”


Your cell is small,

Your time is short,

I bide my time,

For I will not go without my love.


They strap you in,

The priest prays,

You, you cry for mercy,

I, I will not go without my love.


The switch is thrown,

Your body jerks,

You moan in pain,

No, I will not go without my love.


You heart stops,

Your aura shifts

I stand smiling,

For now I go with my love.

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lastyl commented on Not Without MyLove


great story line!! had me captivating wondering what's next. excellent!!

brokenhearted11 commented on Not Without MyLove


really really good. it captivates the reader, jsut makes you pay attention. great write !! keep writing :) 9

Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

DeeVoelkel’s Poems (20)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Life as it is 1
Ghost 2
Oh God! 2
What Can I say? 3
Revenge 5
Mmmmm 7
I am the duck 4
Broken 5
Not Without MyLove 2
Before I Close My Eyes 1
Harsh reality 1
Why I hate you 5
Your friend 2
Kiss Off! 1
Within 4
Family? 1
Why 2
Burden 1
Contemplating possibilities 2
Loss of Desire 2