words ?


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    Poem Commentary


    words ?

     Do you understand
    my silence?

    Do you understand
    my words?

    I observe a lot by watching
    what goes on around
    my world.

    Do you understand
    the deaf man?

    Do you understand
    his words?

    He observes it all
    by watching
    what goes on around
    his world.

    Do you understand
    the blind man?

    Do you understand his words?
    he can't observe 
    at all by watching
    what goes on around 
    his world.

    If you do not understand 
    my silence
    You will not understand my words. 

    Poem Comments


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    Musicmynded1 commented on words ?


    I understand perfectly.... in fact I wrote similar words in one of my songs speaking of the deaf and blind man... good job.. enjoyed it.

    gogant commented on words ?


    One of the toughest things to do...get inside another person's head, and see what they are thinking................................gogant

    StandingBear commented on words ?


    Quite a captivating work you've created. Actions are always so much louder than words .. observe and ponder. Nice!

    dumplin commented on words ?


    I don't know what to say about this poem. It leaves me speechless, no pun intended. I like it, though. That's not a negative thing.

    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    deni2u’s Poems (16)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    The lonely One's 0
    A grand illusion 0
    My special gift 0
    ~ Original Poetry ~ 2
    The social chalange 2
    untitled 2
    Listen to me 10
    ageless 7
    words ? 5
    Robyn outside my window 4
    Fork in the Road 4
    Nothing 5
    the beginning 3
    waiting for you 5
    The vision 6
    Silence 6