The vision


  • Inner Self

    Poem Commentary

    On so many levels

    The vision

        My Eyes feel, What my heart  says, As my    lips   deliver ,what your Ears  will hear, to the core of  your conscience , its simple and clear ,for that we are searching has always been here                                                                                              Enlightenment  ~                            


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    deni2u commented on The vision


    thank you all for your ratings I still cant believe it came into form inside of 2 minutes

    gogant commented on The vision


    We can spend an eternity searching for something...and then one day, it's perfectly clear that we had already found it...........g



    exactly !!!! what I said thank you

    Marsink commented on The vision


    deni, really enjoyed this enough to read three x's Awesome delivery in concept and theme.



    Thank I value your opinion

    MrGee commented on The vision


    I like this concise poem. It expresses the emotions of the author and paints an excellent picture in my mind. I especially like the metaphor - the core of your conscience. The style of this work is somewhat like the style that i write. I wonder if that is a good thing? anyway, I gladly rate this poem a 10

    Russ commented on The vision


    Be proud. A quick to the point read. The first of your work I have read. Enjoyed. Thank you.



    inspired by your words and as a result i turned out a few more today I have not put words in print for a very very long time and in just a few hours i turned out the vision , nothing, and the beginning and i am pleased with the transfer of thought to word thank you

    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    deni2u’s Poems (16)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    The lonely One's 0
    A grand illusion 0
    My special gift 0
    ~ Original Poetry ~ 2
    The social chalange 2
    untitled 2
    Listen to me 10
    ageless 7
    words ? 5
    Robyn outside my window 4
    Fork in the Road 4
    Nothing 5
    the beginning 3
    waiting for you 5
    The vision 6
    Silence 6