Fork in the Road


Poem Commentary

This was a true story recalled to the best of my ability but even 27 years after this experience putting on paper was intimately reliving it and what I did not get to share was that event in my life left me in a wheel chair for almost a year with both my legs broken below the knee and both my arms snapped off above the elbo and the meaning of pretty had to come from a place that only the love of God can help you find I hope you take from this one what I so eagerly want to give

Thank you Deni Lemar

Fork in the Road

 sharing with you a piece of my pain,  about humility delivered in vain.
I walked about ,young in my life, not thinking of loss, sorrow or strife. I believed in myself for all to see, don't care who you are, just look at me.   
 One cold afternoon. in the Tennessee hills. I loaded the car, with my pot and my pills. I dashed out the door in the bosses wife's car, with no time to spare I had to drive far.
 Then coming upon, a mess in the road, a vision then came, this car will explode.
relieved to see the vision was gone, and down the road I carried on
I picked up the man ,I was there to greet ,laughing and talking of holiday feasts.
 Then he remembered, a present received ,a bottle of vodka he soon shared with me. we thought to ourselves this will be  neat because it was early and new years eve.
Driving along on the wet icy road, he spilled the vodka all over my clothes, He held the wheel as I dried my jeans.  Then just in a moment, we're  in the ravine,
 sliding along with nothing in sight, except for the bridge ,coming up on my side. In fear that we'd wreck, and tear up the car, he grabbed the wheel and pulled really hard.
After the crash we were both still awake.
He escaped from the car, and fell on his face.
Trapped  in the car ,I told him to run fearing the vision I had early on.
 Then there they were, a fearful crowd, standing and staring, as I screamed out loud. some one please help me, get out of this car.
 Then in a flash, a man came to see, what could he do, to try and save me, not realizing what his purpose was for, he read my last rights as they cut off the door.The daylight was gone and darkness had come
now conscience of pain I was no longer numb Then looking at me was no longer fun.

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gogant commented on Fork in the Road


You know, deni, I read this a while back, but was afraid to comment on it. Afraid, I guess, because I didn't know how to say what I felt. But, now I know you a little more, and even that doesn't make it any better or easier. I have to say that you wrote a piece of beauty about a thing of is good...and now, I feel better.........................................................................g



You know at 19 we all have met our fork in the road choices fresh out of high school ready to great the world as an adult . well that was my fork and its more testimonial to me then horror

Oblaidon commented on Fork in the Road


Yes, sometimes lessons are learned the hard way. Please read some of my writes.

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

deni2u’s Poems (16)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The lonely One's 0
A grand illusion 0
My special gift 0
~ Original Poetry ~ 2
The social chalange 2
untitled 2
Listen to me 10
ageless 7
words ? 5
Robyn outside my window 4
Fork in the Road 4
Nothing 5
the beginning 3
waiting for you 5
The vision 6
Silence 6