My special gift


Poem Commentary

my son turned 17 this last month and he has lived a life three times his age

My special gift

My child's life flashes by, in a moment its passed.

If only the hands of time would turn back. 

All the knowledge and wisdom of the ages I would give back 

Embracing the present I now see the most treasured possession

awarded to me, has been the time that i cannot touch or keep

But saved in a memory until immortal sleep. If you could hear one

thing from me that stayed with you for eternity, hold close to you

the time you have ,live only in the moment and you will master life

overlook the flaws and search for the assets of all those

who share your path give all you have to those who need 

Forget the trespasses against you remember the gifts bestowed

upon you in your greatest need Let go of the burdens ,the strife's  

the griefs and get out of your way so you can pass with ease

Let not the world weigh heavy on your heart or analyze it or pick it apart

treasure your time as I do mine.Speak your mind fearlessly through your

music or even poetry this way of life will bridge the gaps and warm

the heart eternally   


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Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

deni2u’s Poems (16)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The lonely One's 0
A grand illusion 0
My special gift 0
~ Original Poetry ~ 2
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untitled 2
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ageless 7
words ? 5
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