Listen to me


  • Love

    Poem Commentary

    The longest love I have ever known.

    Listen to me

    Please stay where you are.
    I love you best right where you stand
    Don't come any closer
    I may not like what I see
    Do we have to move in together?
    We are doing fine
    Just the way we are.
     I love you whole heartedly
    Please don't fix
    What is not broken.
    I can love you at a distance
    Because up close
    I don't like you at all.
    please stay away
    I love you there.

    Deni Le Mar

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    gogant commented on Listen to me


    You're right never really knows what one is like, until that get too close...and then, the spell is broken.........................g

    Qualin commented on Listen to me





    but in a world of logical fantasy if they could recall the splendor of the beginning of their coming together and maintain the desire to be together without pushing the will where it cannot be felt the odds of impossibility lessen some stay at the beginning of everything it is their nature to be the child within. we can learn from children in this matter because when they have to stop playing and go inside they just want to start all over and i have wished the day had never ended so can be with true partnership hold loosely what you cherish it has been my experience to know if I want it really bad I cannot hold it to tight or I will lose it and hate myself for wanting it so badly and even more for the way I try to keep it.

    StandingBear commented on Listen to me


    Love from afar can certainly be a nice thing. Keep your baggage there and i'll keep mine with me. We'll see one another when it's convenient w/o the rest of life's hassles intervening.



    I am enlightened by the way this has come across to some while others fuel my need to explain what I was trying to convey to words I have spent years feeding a crush many years later I married him and the closer I got to him the more I wish I never had he was a legend and a scholar he had many fine qualities that peaked my interest but the deeper I peered into him the more I wish I could just start over and recognize my boundaries so he would forever be respected and admired in my heart but I cannot and his image is tainted because i had to have him all of him and that ruined my love for him

    kdarcy commented on Listen to me


    Love it, my girlfriend lives 3 doors down the street, we are fine for some years now. The picture perfect doesn't exist. Love where you are is a good theme, why chance what isn't broken? I really enjoyed that. Be well k

    MrGee commented on Listen to me


    This is a well written poet. It paints an excellent picture in the mind of the reader.I especially like the last line of the poem- I love you there. a 10 for this poem. keep up the good work.

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    deni2u’s Poems (16)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    The lonely One's 0
    A grand illusion 0
    My special gift 0
    ~ Original Poetry ~ 2
    The social chalange 2
    untitled 2
    Listen to me 10
    ageless 7
    words ? 5
    Robyn outside my window 4
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    Nothing 5
    the beginning 3
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    The vision 6
    Silence 6