

  • Death


    How do you see your afterdeath when life has taken your only breath are you on a fluffy cloud with soft white feathers all around or do you see yourself in hell with fleshly boils that burn  and swell just imagine if you will a candle lit in a window seal the flame is gone with the wind I do believe that is the end

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    deni2u commented on Nothing


    The dead are conscious of nothing.The warmth and the light of the candle flame has been compared to the flow of the blood and the conscious thought has left the body in the ground to rot

    kdarcy commented on Nothing


    Like the concept, its timeless ... writers will always try to catch the butterfly, then along comes another. Yes expand it, in a disguise, nice write. k

    Kecinzer commented on Nothing


    I love this....! I wish you would expand it... its like a brief reflection in curly water. No, don't touch it -- it's perfect.



    Thank you it could be expanded and it will withdifferent titles ....fair enough?

    MrGee commented on Nothing


    Very philosophical. the meter is excellent and you paint a terrific pictures in the readers eyes. The poem raises questions in my mind. Interestingly i have a poem entitled- Life- perhaps you would find the poem to be to your liking..And your poem- Nothing_ is really something. a10



    What can I say I am flattered by your compliment thank you

    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    deni2u’s Poems (16)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    The lonely One's 0
    A grand illusion 0
    My special gift 0
    ~ Original Poetry ~ 2
    The social chalange 2
    untitled 2
    Listen to me 10
    ageless 7
    words ? 5
    Robyn outside my window 4
    Fork in the Road 4
    Nothing 5
    the beginning 3
    waiting for you 5
    The vision 6
    Silence 6