deni2u’s Profile

  • Age: 61
  • Location: Chandler, AZ
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: US
  • Public Profile URL:


Words are wisdom if you choose to listen.


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Musicmynded1 profile comment


Maybe try chat room....)



ok i got it later my new life long friend

BigDaddyCash profile comment


Before I leave I'd like to add one more short comment. I didn't come here to criticize or praise I came here because I love poetry. When I comment I'm honest, blunt and right to the point. Forgive me for my tenacity.



I actually am relieved that someone can speak with boldness and simple directness .some people are simple and sometimes the words should be too.

BigDaddyCash profile comment


I have been following your quest as a writer and poet and I am completely enthralled by what I read. You have a unique approach to thoughts and feelings and your words are elegantly placed giving extraordinary meaning to what you say and the way you say it. I love reading your magic words and they cast their spell. I have read every one of your poems and felt your heart beat through tragedy, loss and sorrow. I purposely haven’t commented because of one thing that cast a shadow on your creativity. I thought to myself, “Don’t be such a coward come right out and tell her”, and then I remembered something I once wrote. This will make this comment lengthy but I think it’s apropos, please bear with me, I’m a writer and I have to say this. Here’s what I wrote about my poems and short stories *** What you will find in my written material has not been edited to correct grammatical, functional and occasional spelling mistakes. I label my magical content My Way because that is exactly what it is; My Way. My signature, personality, thoughts and ideas, are presented in the only way I know and I refuse to change it because it comes from my heart not from an English book, dictionary or thesaurus. It’s hard for me to find a publisher to publish my books because they all want to do them their way and I readily admit that their way may be right but my way is me and that is the way I want it to be. What I have written in my books I have written just for YOU my reader, so please don’t judge me by my use or misuse of grammar and words, judge my books by the intent and the content. I have two great passions that I like to portray with my written word, Happiness and the Rewards Life has to offer. Therefore read what I have written Your Way but keep in mind it is written My Way. *** I hope you understand what I’m trying to say. I really love your poetry and thank you for sharing. LOL, BDC



I take your opinion as a constructive prod onto the path that I unquestionably am destined to travel. Editing and proofing are not my strengths but thankful I am for people who are, I can say the same about the style of music that I play it reminds me of a blind man that sees it all too clearly and overlooks the details of the cracks in the sidewalk, such is my music i play i write words from deep warm and experienced places but i could not tell you the key or the note or even how to tune a guitar I feel it and let the pro's correct it and again thank you for noticing

A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

deni2u’s Poems (16)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The lonely One's 0
A grand illusion 0
My special gift 0
~ Original Poetry ~ 2
The social chalange 2
untitled 2
Listen to me 10
ageless 7
words ? 5
Robyn outside my window 4
Fork in the Road 4
Nothing 5
the beginning 3
waiting for you 5
The vision 6
Silence 6