the beginning


  • Childhood

    the beginning

     Have you ever been alone ,

    Not knowing another way

    The sky is filled with lifeless clouds

    On a snowy winter day

    There is no one to teach you how,

    To laugh or run or play,

    For you are just a child

    in a crib inside your room

    The only place you really know

    Outside your mothers womb

    I guess I really want to say,

    Its not so bad alone all day

    Poem Comments


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    gogant commented on the beginning


    Deni, this is lovely.................I'm sure we felt, as you write here, what we felt there alone...but not really alone........................g

    Marsink commented on the beginning


    deni, I thnk this is your best. the marriage of theme, structure, meter that speaks volumes of that short period in life that is for most never revisited, until we see a babe in this comfort. what a great write on something seldom given thought to. Thank you for sharing



    my crib was the only thing I knew until I could climb out of it.Then it was my hichair and if i wasn't pottytrained by then it was sad but I will write about my hurts and my teachings.....Most of my words come from a life outside looking in wanting to be where I could see I thank you for seeing the recesses of my early state of awareness I am Honored truly

    When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

    John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

    deni2u’s Poems (16)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    The lonely One's 0
    A grand illusion 0
    My special gift 0
    ~ Original Poetry ~ 2
    The social chalange 2
    untitled 2
    Listen to me 10
    ageless 7
    words ? 5
    Robyn outside my window 4
    Fork in the Road 4
    Nothing 5
    the beginning 3
    waiting for you 5
    The vision 6
    Silence 6