The Nevermore Land


The Nevermore Land

The Nevermore Land
by Karen Meadows

Silence overwhelming, senses aware
Waiting for the darkness to settle around me
Like a cloak, enveloping me
I patiently wait
To drift into the nevermore land

Furtive glances to the outer perimeters
Are they coming, are they hiding?
Behind me, beside me
Waiting for me
To drift into the nevermore land

Grasping onto the sheltering place
Searching for the saving grace,
Hanging on by tooth and nail,
So afraid
To drift into the nevermore land

Panic engulfs me, my feet are sliding
I tighten my grip on grace
Desperation pulls at me
Trying to drag me away
To drift into the nevermore land

They come from the shadows,
Swirling around me with glee
Teeth gnashing, claws gripping
Cackling in my ears, leaving me
To drift into the nevermore land

I sink into the desperation
Violated, and abandoned
Pain overwhelming, total isolation
Torn and bleeding, left alone
To drift into the nevermore land

Far away I see the light,
Dim but steady, almost gone
I gather my strength
Onward, trying not
To drift into the nevermore land

I feel them still surrounding me
I push them aside, pushing on
I feel the shredding of my flesh
As they try to pull me back
To drift into the nevermore land

Screaming in my agony
My frustration mounting
The light grows brighter
Still small, but captivating me
Leading me from the nevermore land

The path in view, the claws get sharper
Trying to hold me in the shadows
As they pierce my skin I laugh
My excitement rising,
With hope to leave the nevermore land

Closer, closer, I am getting
Reaching outward, reaching upward
Grasping grace, with an open heart
Casting aside the demons,
To drift into the nevermore land

My wounds are cleansed
Amazement overwhelms me
I see my reflection,
Whole and new
Saved from the nevermore land

I look out into the darkness
Safe and secure, peaceful
Content in the grace
That keeps me safe and warm
Out of the nevermore land

Copyright © 2008 Karen Meadows

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Chaos128 commented on The Nevermore Land


Reading your work, kmeadows, I've got no doubt you are in a happy place, mentally, spitirtually and artistically. I read and reread your work and it NEVER gets old. It is the class of the field. I'm not trying to embarrass you. There's just no other way to say it.



Im blushing. You flatter me way more than I deserve. Thank you so so much!

Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

kmeadows’s Poems (19)

Title Comments
Title Comments
depression 0
Morning 0
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A Haunting Christmas 1
A Childs Eyes 3
As I Sit 2
Our Foster Children 2
Leave Me Alone 3
Facing the Rain 4
The Savior 2
I Thank God 4
Nature 5
My Lifetime 3
Happiness 3
Simple Little Ditty 1
Memories In My Heart 2
The Nevermore Land 2
Reflections on the Pond 8