Simple Little Ditty


  • Summer
  • ,
  • Family

    Simple Little Ditty

    How I wish the day would end,
    a weekend would be great
    to sit out side and grill some corn
    and totally vegetate
    To close your eyes and listen to
    birds singing in the trees
    to smell the sweet honeyblossems
    blowing in the breeze
    Summertimes a lazy time
    a time to lounge and rest
    A time to swim and frolick too
    to live life to the best
    I would love to take a mountain hike
    to watch the deer come play
    to sit beside a gurgling stream
    now that, would be a day
    To be stuck inside all summer
    it just seems a crime
    to waste away so silently
    just to earn a dime
    Everyone deserves a chance
    to revel in the sun
    not just the rich and famous
    but each and everyone

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    Chaos128 commented on Simple Little Ditty


    Life can have no greater joy, Or amusement so sublime, As to read a sunny poem About the Joys of summertime.



    Very Cute! Thank you :)

    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

    kmeadows’s Poems (19)

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    Simple Little Ditty 1
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