I Thank God


  • God
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  • Self

    I Thank God

    I thank God

    I thank God for everything He does,
    For the way He takes care of things,
    For the blessings he gives.
    I find it amazing ,
    that even when I think there is no hope...
    He always provides help.
    I think its wonderful,
    when I am about to give in
    He reaches down His mighty hand
    and holds me up.
    When I need a place to rest,
    He is there,
    When I need a shoulder to cry on,
    He is there.
    When I am confused,
    and lost in the darkness..
    He is there,
    He calls out to me
    and holds up the Light so I can find my way.
    Sometimes I cry with joy,
    because it is so wonderful to know,
    that He cares so much for me.
    He will never leave me,
    or forsake me...
    He will never forget me,
    or stop loving me.
    with my God
    I dont have to pretend
    to be someone Im not,
    because he knows me
    better than I even know myself
    I dont have to explain,
    why I do what I do,
    because he knows my heart
    He loves me when I do wrong
    and he is proud of me
    when I do well.
    He always has faith in me
    even when I am doubting myself,
    and when I am doubting Him,
    He patiently waits for me.
    Never leaving my side,
    He lovingly wraps His arms around me every day
    showing me how much He loves me
    When I ask, He answers,
    when I cry, He cries with me
    when I laugh, He smiles
    when I am confused,
    because I asked, and I cant see His answer,
    He asks me to be patient and trust in Him
    or when I do see His answer,
    but I dont understand it
    He patiently walks with me,
    and shows me
    untill I do understand.
    I am so thankful
    to have a Father so perfect
    so wonderful
    so patient
    so understanding
    and so right.
    Thank you, my Father, my God
    for being their for me
    Help me
    to honor and respect you,
    and to show you how much I love you
    as you show me, every day
    every sunrise, and every sunset
    every rainbow, every flower and every quiet breeze
    You show me in so many beautiful ways
    I wish I could do the same for you
    but instead
    I will try to show you in my actions to others
    portraying your love
    in an attitude befitting your child
    so that others will know
    how superbly wonderful you are
    and  how you have blessed me
    thank you so much
    my Father,
    My God

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    Clementinewoods commented on I Thank God


    This poem is wonderfully written! Your love, faith, and thankfulness toward God really shine in this piece. I know you have made our Father in heaven so proud. I'm very happy to have had the privilege of reading this fine piece of work. Keep on uplifting the name of the Lord, because I'm quite sure that a lot of people are being blessed by it. I would also like to invite you to share in some of my work. Thanks so much for sharing and be blessed!!!



    Thank you so much.Everything you just said is such a blessing to me. You have know idea what it does to me to know that someone was touched by this. Thank you!

    SEVEN commented on I Thank God


    Now where were u when I was writing "Hopelessness"?...I prolly wouldnt have wrote it if I had read this first but Im glad I read it...It gives me new hope to continue on in life, love and work....Thank you for these words and thank God you wrote them for me to see...good job....dont let the ink run out, keep it coming...



    Thank you. I am so glad that it was able to give you something. We all get into those tough spots and its just so hard to remember that God is there if we just give Him the chance to help us!

    UnworthyFather commented on I Thank God


    Superbly written. This poem embodies the love, thanks, dedication, and commitment not only that we should have for God, but that He has for us- no matter who we are, how much we fail, or how quickly we forget Him. Thanks for sharing. Truly a 10 plus.



    Thank you so very much for your comment. I feel blessed every time someone is able to receive something from this poem. Thank you again!

    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    kmeadows’s Poems (19)

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