A Childs Eyes


A Childs Eyes


She looked up at me
With her big blue eyes
And asked me,
"Do i get to keep them?"
I looked down at her
I see the desire in her eyes
And the wonder in her voice
"Of course you can"
I say
"Forever and ever?"
She asks me
"Forever and ever."
I say
And I pray
That I am telling the truth
I am hoping
Noone will come
And take her away
Leaving her dolls behind
I hold her in my arms
And put a kiss on her head
She looks around the room
Presents here, candy there
She wraps her arms
Around my neck
I feel her warm breath
as she whispers
"Thank you"
She jumps down and
Hurls herself on to the wrapping paper
Throwing it into the air
And giggling with glee
She says to her sister
"We get to keep them"
My heart breaks
With sadness for thier past
And with hope for thier future.
I hope I get the chance
To watch them grow
And blossom
I hope I get to keep them
Forever and Ever


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optimistic commented on A Childs Eyes


This right here is like a short love story on your kids, I can feel every piece of this poem an eye opener never a thought of losing lines. one thing, the line no one will come. I would ask for more metaphors. This poems to me expresses a lot of emotions and great adventure until the end. Good Write



thank u so much for your critique, i really appreciate it!

daydreamer23 commented on A Childs Eyes


the love that you have for your children is heart warming this is a beautiful poem as well,bless.



Thank you very much. They mean the world to me :)

UnworthyFather commented on A Childs Eyes


Such a beautiful, wistful poem of the heart. I, too, pray that you get to keep them 'Forever and Ever'. I love the bit about the wrapping paper. My boys are almost the same. They play more with the wrapping and the boxes, than they do with the gifts! Great write. Thanks for sharing. 10



Thank you so much, I wrote this on Christmas afternoon. It about broke my heart when she came up to me :) Thank you so much :))

The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

kmeadows’s Poems (19)

Title Comments
Title Comments
depression 0
Morning 0
Despair 0
Destiny 0
A Haunting Christmas 1
A Childs Eyes 3
As I Sit 2
Our Foster Children 2
Leave Me Alone 3
Facing the Rain 4
The Savior 2
I Thank God 4
Nature 5
My Lifetime 3
Happiness 3
Simple Little Ditty 1
Memories In My Heart 2
The Nevermore Land 2
Reflections on the Pond 8