My Lifetime


  • Life
  • ,
  • Love
  • ,
  • Joy

    My Lifetime

    Steady walking all my days

    Toward the rising Son

    The joys of life blowing past me

    Like the gentle breeze on a summers day

    The whispers of love carressing my ears

    Bring peace to my wondering soul

    I see the goal ahead

    Shining upon the path set by my youth

    Its harder now,

    Lifes burdens press upon me

    Trying to hold me to the earth

    I see the memories of life surrounding me

    The good, the bad

    Blending together to make,

    A mosaic of my own

    Individual, like my life

    I press foward

    Knowing that to have a beginning,

    One must have an end

    As the light gets closer

    I slow down

    I gather the web of my life around me

    I inhale the scents

    And stroke the many textures

    I relish the flood of emotion that engulfs me

    Then I release my grip on this earthly realm

    I allow the joy of the Light embrace me

    Lift me

    Gather me into its bosom

    Like a lost child come home

    I have wandered through my life,

    Thousands of miles

    Now my journey has ended

    For I am home

    Poem Comments


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    Chaos128 commented on My Lifetime


    I can only reiterate what I've said before, K. Your writing shines because of it's (your) self-assurance (not to be confused with self-satisfaction). Your poems never come across as offerings submitted for approval, but happy declarations you are pleased to share. It literally makes your work more than the sum of its parts. I don't know how you do it, I only hope you never stop.



    Thank you also! Your words encourage me and are so uplifting!!

    SpiritSong commented on My Lifetime


    This is is one that I will read over until I gather every pearl...thanks you full of life in and by the Holy Spirit of truth...embraced in His wonder we have fellowship with one another in such a illuminated place a beloved? Beautiful...a fav for me...thank you for the gift...have a wonderful day..Tina.."SpiritSong"



    Thank you so much. I am so glad that this was able to reach out to you. I appreciate everything!



    Thank yo so much, sorry I didnt respond. Sometimes I never know comments are here! Thanks for the encouragement!

    UnworthyFather commented on My Lifetime


    Ms. Meadows, (if I may), you have a very beautiful writing voice that needs to be shouted from the rooftops! This is simply another of your beautiful tapestries that you have so intricately woven for us. Thank you for sharing. 10



    Wow, thank so much, your making me blush. I wish it was good enough to warrent such praise! Thank you so much!

    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    kmeadows’s Poems (19)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    depression 0
    Morning 0
    Despair 0
    Destiny 0
    A Haunting Christmas 1
    A Childs Eyes 3
    As I Sit 2
    Our Foster Children 2
    Leave Me Alone 3
    Facing the Rain 4
    The Savior 2
    I Thank God 4
    Nature 5
    My Lifetime 3
    Happiness 3
    Simple Little Ditty 1
    Memories In My Heart 2
    The Nevermore Land 2
    Reflections on the Pond 8