

  • Sadness
  • ,
  • Death


    Despair engulfs me like a grey cloud
    Swirling around me, holding me in its grasp
    Enshrouding me in a tomb of sadness
    Despair overtakes my mind
    I reach to the Heavens for salvation
    I cry out my agony
    Despair saps the joy from my soul
    Leaving me empty, alone, unwanted
    Wondering why i even try
    Despairs iron grip sucks the breath from me
    Its cold hands encircle my neck
    Squeezing, blackness sets in
    Despair is my ending
    The overwhelming chaos overtakes me
    My life ebbs away,

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    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

    kmeadows’s Poems (19)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    depression 0
    Morning 0
    Despair 0
    Destiny 0
    A Haunting Christmas 1
    A Childs Eyes 3
    As I Sit 2
    Our Foster Children 2
    Leave Me Alone 3
    Facing the Rain 4
    The Savior 2
    I Thank God 4
    Nature 5
    My Lifetime 3
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    Simple Little Ditty 1
    Memories In My Heart 2
    The Nevermore Land 2
    Reflections on the Pond 8