A Haunting Christmas


A Haunting Christmas

The season has come
That is suppose to be filled with joy
A time of peace
Where hearts are gathered together
Hands are held, Prayers said
But when you look
Behind closed doors
You still see the violence
The many colors of Christmas lights
Are mirrored on a womens skin
The red of Santa's hat
Is in the flowing blood of the beaten child
In the darkened stairwells
The same ones huddle
Trying to find shelter
From winters icy grip
People look with blinded eyes
Only wanting to see the good
And to feel the joy
That comes from helping those in need
But they dont actually see
The unspoken pain in the eyes
Of those to frightened to speak
Society is only able to touch the surface,
Providing the decoration
But not seeing behind the closed doors
Open your eyes , your hearts, your hands
And reach out to the many needs
That haunt those around us.

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ginga commented on A Haunting Christmas


kmeadow, A poem to ponder since there is so many feeling much pain and so much hype surrounds the holidays. ginga



Thank you so much. I find that the holidays evoke many different emotions. Most people just want to see the happy giving side, and they turn a blind eye to the violence. Its very sad.

Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

kmeadows’s Poems (19)

Title Comments
Title Comments
depression 0
Morning 0
Despair 0
Destiny 0
A Haunting Christmas 1
A Childs Eyes 3
As I Sit 2
Our Foster Children 2
Leave Me Alone 3
Facing the Rain 4
The Savior 2
I Thank God 4
Nature 5
My Lifetime 3
Happiness 3
Simple Little Ditty 1
Memories In My Heart 2
The Nevermore Land 2
Reflections on the Pond 8