

  • Life
  • ,
  • Nature
  • ,
  • Man
  • ,
  • Forest



    Sitting in the field so still
    Watching the small whip o will
    Flitting , floating in the air
    Landing here without a care
    Singing out its lilting trill.

    The meadow is alive with sound
    From the trees, to the ground
    Chattering , chirping sounds of life
    Lovely, without worldly strife
    The wonderful joy of nature abounds

    The deer are grazing in the field
    To the city they soon will yield
    Bustling , busy,  creeping forth
    Not realizing natures worth
    Sadly the worlds fate is sealed

    Why, oh why does man invade
    The ever beautiful forest glade
    Cant we see the life within
    Free from the taint of human sin
    Look around at the mess we made

    As I enjoy evenings  lullabye
    My heart emits a mourn filled sigh
    Knowing that we will destroy
    And treat the world like our toy
    Into the wind, I say goodbye.


    Poem Comments


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    Chaos128 commented on Nature


    I was just thinking the other day, how long it had been since I heard a cricket. When I was a kid, even though I lived in the city (albeit a tree lined block), you could hear crickets chirping every evening during the spring and summer months. Now I don't even hear 'em on TV. Ha ha, I'm supposed to be critiquing your poem and here I am yammering about crickets. It's your fault... the poem did it ha ha. 10!



    LOL but that is a GOOD thing. I think we forget about what we are missing. City dwelling people sometimes dont know what they are missing. Nature sounds are the most wonderful sounds of all!!!

    mpjtforever commented on Nature


    wow so true. you have an amazing talent with words. I was browzing looking for an particular poem and came across this one. lovely. your friend jodi



    Wow! Thanks a lot. Im so glad you enjoyed it!

    UnworthyFather commented on Nature


    Superbly written portrait of nature's impending doom due to the "progress" of mankind! Your imagery is superb! Great write. Thanks for sharing. Another 10



    Thanks so much again, I am glad that you got something out of it!!!!

    LonleyBiker commented on Nature


    Very nice work. I couls hear the birds, feel the breeze and smell the grass.



    Thank you biker, I appreciate you taking the time to read it!

    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

    kmeadows’s Poems (19)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    depression 0
    Morning 0
    Despair 0
    Destiny 0
    A Haunting Christmas 1
    A Childs Eyes 3
    As I Sit 2
    Our Foster Children 2
    Leave Me Alone 3
    Facing the Rain 4
    The Savior 2
    I Thank God 4
    Nature 5
    My Lifetime 3
    Happiness 3
    Simple Little Ditty 1
    Memories In My Heart 2
    The Nevermore Land 2
    Reflections on the Pond 8