As I Sit


  • Alone

    As I Sit

    I sit here alone
    Watching the world through candid eyes
    People rushing
    Into this store, into that car
    The murmer of voices grace the air,
    Laughter resounds in the background
    Occasionally you will hear a childs cry
    And a parents soothing voice

    I sit here cold
    The warmth from doors unable to penetrate
    Winters unforgiving snare
    My coat is threadbare
    My shelter is thin
    I wrap my blanket around me
    And reach out to warm my hands on a fire
    Kindly started by another lost soul

    I sit here empty
    A gnawing ache inside me
    Wondering if I have the strength
    To stand for another day, in another line
    Waiting for another strangers hand
    To offer me meager sustenance
    A brief respite
    From the daily fight for survival

    I sit here pondering
    How did I get here
    I was one of them once,
    Rushing here and rushing there
    Contributing to society
    Stringing lights on a tree
    Laughing and Frolicking
    Walking past people like me

    I sit here remebering
    The sound of my children
    Opening their gifts on Christmas morn,
    I loved how it felt
    To watch the glee on thier faces
    And to see the sparkle in their eyes
    I had a feeling
    Like all was right with the world

    I sit her forlorn
    Hating myself for my situation
    Its just a job
    Not a big deal, there are others
    I look down at myself
    My clothing in tatters
    Knowing I wont get past
    The security guards

    I sit here isolated
    In a sea of millions
    Lost and friendless
    Ignored by society
    As if I was invisible
    Cast aside
    Like I have no worth
    No heart, No mind, No soul

    Poem Comments


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    daydreamer23 commented on As I Sit


    your poem was beautiful and i can relate to that feeling but i always find it helps to write about it much love and blessings.



    Most of my stuff is not depressing lol. Thanks for the comment!

    cliftondurant commented on As I Sit


    As we sit and observe life and experience thee thing it make us wonder sometime but as the children openig toys on christmas morning oh what joy.and it's joy for me and you but hear we have to find it good poem



    Thank you , and I agree about christmas morn, but there is so much emptiness out there that seem to sometimes overshadow the good... :( Thanks again for taking the time to read!

    In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

    Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

    kmeadows’s Poems (19)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    depression 0
    Morning 0
    Despair 0
    Destiny 0
    A Haunting Christmas 1
    A Childs Eyes 3
    As I Sit 2
    Our Foster Children 2
    Leave Me Alone 3
    Facing the Rain 4
    The Savior 2
    I Thank God 4
    Nature 5
    My Lifetime 3
    Happiness 3
    Simple Little Ditty 1
    Memories In My Heart 2
    The Nevermore Land 2
    Reflections on the Pond 8