The Eighth Sense


Poem Commentary

Have you ever felt like you were all alone, just you against the world. Well, i want you to know that God is always with us and he loves us dearly. So take refuge in God..........................

The Eighth Sense

She travels through a foreign land alone, as she is hunted like a slave master hunts a slave
her eighth sense alerts her of their presence, their malicious murderous intent and that her soul they crave
they put glasses on and use objects to conceal their guilty faces every day

hoping she doesn't see them for who they really are and notice she's their prey

But her eighth sense of wonder reveals their presence and speaks,"you mean her no well"

These senses go beyond the eyes, the physical, the mental and goes right into spiritual warfare
She is someone God loves dearly, someone he protects with gentle care, he's looking down at you whispering, "she is my child, don't you dare"

Do you know who she is?
Do you know what she stands for?
Do you know who her father is?
Do you even care?

She is a strong women who has binded up fear, doubt, and misery and casted it out to the sea
She is a women who has been through many trials and tribulations and yet she still stands victoriously
she is my child, take your glasses off, maybe now you can see

she stands for love and righteoness and everything that makes a father smile
You can serve God too, if you embrace, love kindness and peace and make it your new style.

But if you choose not to, the hell hole you dig for her today, make sure you dig two, because God is going to make sure the other one is Especially made just for you.

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Tempestlady commented on The Eighth Sense


Sounds like something my fathers would say. What comes around goes around. Children of God are protected by many fathers i have found. So protective, so masculine in your emotions. A poignant warning to all who's intent is to hurt. People ought not go around messin' with other people children. Tis a very dangerous affair. Write on.....



thanks tempestlady

AR commented on The Eighth Sense


Wow people need to recognize who they messing with don't they? Good work

gogant commented on The Eighth Sense


Enlightening prose, my dear...but guys like me are a caring and loving bunch. Speak not unkindly of my kind.........................................................................gogant



what kind are u

Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

LBoogie’s Poems (13)

Title Comments
Title Comments
I'm Still Standing 0
The Haiti Earthquake 2
Little Princess 3
I am a Goddess, 15
Mental Abuse 5
The Eighth Sense 4
I remember when you used to be my everything 5
Welcome To The Game 7
I Am Perfectly Me 10
My Black Beautiful Sistahs of Color 3
Little Black girl Lost 5
You Can Do Anything 2
I Am Perfectly Me 6