You Can Do Anything


You Can Do Anything

You can do anything,if you believe that you can

don't let anyone steal your dreams or stop you from making a stand

believe in yourself and pursue all your dreams today

don't put it off another single second, another single day

by believing in yourself you will see that there is nothing on Gods green earth that you can't do  The only reason you havent done it yet is because you keep stopping you.  So get out your own way and let go and let God do his will.  When you start embracing who you really are thats when god will give you his seal.

If you believe

You will achieve

and you will succeed

Because you can do anything............

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AR commented on You Can Do Anything


We can do anything that we believe we can do. And whatever we believe we can't we cannot do

MRNASTEY commented on You Can Do Anything


I keep trying to convince myself I can fly, but I don't believe enough to jump off the roof. Sometimes we stop ourselves from our deepest most secret dreams.



I don't know if you can fly but i believe we can just about anything

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

LBoogie’s Poems (13)

Title Comments
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I'm Still Standing 0
The Haiti Earthquake 2
Little Princess 3
I am a Goddess, 15
Mental Abuse 5
The Eighth Sense 4
I remember when you used to be my everything 5
Welcome To The Game 7
I Am Perfectly Me 10
My Black Beautiful Sistahs of Color 3
Little Black girl Lost 5
You Can Do Anything 2
I Am Perfectly Me 6