Little Black girl Lost


Little Black girl Lost

Im a little black girl lost and i cant find my way, life for me gets harder, day by day. My mom is addicted to crack and my pop is locked up in a jail cell. My mom lets her drug dealer friends do all types of nasty things to me and tells me you better not tell.  My head is touching the ground it hangs so low, because the very person responsible for loving and protecting me is the same one administering these mighty blows.  Suicide thoughts come up in my heart frequently, because i really dont have anything to live for you see.  God knows i want to run away in shame, but i can't because my moms would let her drug dealer friends do the same things to my little brother and sister too,  And i cant have that on my conscious becasue my nasty little secrets are so hard to bear and the thought of them walking around feeling anything like me naw! i wouldn't dare let that happen 'cause i care.

Little black girl lost, thats me, thats me, thats me

God please hear my cries and just set me free.

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themommyof2 commented on Little Black girl Lost


Sad but true. Children are so fragile and trapped by irresponsible parents and their sick minds. Crazy, It happens in white families too. I know, I survived. Tells a realistic and very true story.

AR commented on Little Black girl Lost


Giid write, With all the information that is available no one should get addicted today, but they don't believe it can happen to them.

crazzyy4u commented on Little Black girl Lost


awwww that sort of stuff is common in black familys i like the way u shared your pain



That kind of stuff is common in all races little girls are lost everywhere because their parents or either on drugs on in jail we need to help our children our future

cherrymccloud commented on Little Black girl Lost


You are in my prayers. I have a background of emotional and sexual abuse. I am still that little girl inside. Insecure, lonely,scared of trusting. At times just wanted to die. But through it all, GOD had and still has his hands on me and the best is yet to come. Remember this , you are in his hands too.



Thanks mommy but I want you to know that this poem in particular wasn't about me, it was about a young women that i met and i was so amazed by her story that i was let by my spirit to write about her. Sometimes when we think we got it rough, we can take a look at some other people life and see how blessed we are. Even when we been through some things it could always be worst. You know what Im saying mommy

koolmom0 commented on Little Black girl Lost


So many children go through this on a daily basis. Makes me feel so grateful that my children were never victims of such hurtful horror. Good write hun. Koolmom



thanks kool appreciate the love

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

LBoogie’s Poems (13)

Title Comments
Title Comments
I'm Still Standing 0
The Haiti Earthquake 2
Little Princess 3
I am a Goddess, 15
Mental Abuse 5
The Eighth Sense 4
I remember when you used to be my everything 5
Welcome To The Game 7
I Am Perfectly Me 10
My Black Beautiful Sistahs of Color 3
Little Black girl Lost 5
You Can Do Anything 2
I Am Perfectly Me 6