My Black Beautiful Sistahs of Color


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Ladies we have got to stop hating on one another. We need to use all of our energy to build each other up as oppose to tearting each other down. Stop Hatin!

My Black Beautiful Sistahs of Color

My Black Beautiful Sistahs of Color
Why you always hating on me
Is it because of my pleasant personality
or could it be the eloquence in which I speak
Or maybe its because i've taken all my God given talents
and used them to set me free
Maybe its my caramel colored complexion
that glisstens in the sun
Oh I know it must be that handsome king you seen me with the loves me and calls me hun
Or could it be the confidence conveyed in my stride
or is it that I represent the very essence of Black Pride

But is that really enough information about me to make a conscious decision about who I am or who I be or are you just coming up with all types of weak excuses to degrade a sister, because all you really want is to be me.

My black beautiful sistahs of color
we suppose to be on the same team
but instead you choose to hate me, call me out my name, plot and scheme just because you didn't always make the right decisions in your life now your trying to steal my dreams.

My Black beautiful sistahs of color
if you did a thorough examination of your self today,
you would find many hidden treasures and talents just waiting for you to display, waiting for you to tap into them, so you too can be proud. So the next time you see a bunch of black beautiful sistahs standing strong and confident in a crowd, you can cry out, those are my black beautiful sistahs of color, so loud, because being proud of your black beautiful sistahs of color has now become a style.

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themommyof2 commented on My Black Beautiful Sistahs of Color


I liked that. It is a shame that so many who envy another turn it to hate instead of REALLY looking at that person and seeing what they are doing right in their lives.



That is so true, Well in 2010 i am proclaiming this to be the year of the women, so we are going to use our energy to build women up instead of tearing them down.

AR commented on My Black Beautiful Sistahs of Color


Good write, Ladies we need to stop all that Hatin'

A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

LBoogie’s Poems (13)

Title Comments
Title Comments
I'm Still Standing 0
The Haiti Earthquake 2
Little Princess 3
I am a Goddess, 15
Mental Abuse 5
The Eighth Sense 4
I remember when you used to be my everything 5
Welcome To The Game 7
I Am Perfectly Me 10
My Black Beautiful Sistahs of Color 3
Little Black girl Lost 5
You Can Do Anything 2
I Am Perfectly Me 6