I Am Perfectly Me


Poem Commentary

Everyday we look at television and see these perfectly shaped models, we look in the mirror and we see that we do not resemble these superstars and we start thinking less and less of ourselves. But what you dont see is when these models get up in the morning they look just like you and me. They probably have a crew that puts them together when they get ready to go on tv. They have flaws too. We need to embrace our flaws and all of our imperfections and love who God made us to be..................................................

I Am Perfectly Me

If you ask me who I be, I will tell you, I am perfectly me
no i don't have a lot of junk in my trunk
nor do i possess a pair of 44 D's
my hair is not long and flowing
and i don't have the fliest gear you see
but if you ask me who I be, I will tell you, I am perfectly me

nope, i don't have the prettiest face
i don't have a 24 inch waist
and after me most men don't chase
but if you ask me who I be, I will tell you, I am perfectly me

I don't have a high powered job or a fancy house up on the hill
I don't have a Benz or a Mazarroti that's at my disposal to wheel
but if you ask me who i be, I will tell you, I am perfectly me

So many ask the question, well why are you so confident and so sure of who you are

And why are you always so happy go lucky when your not a superstar
And i respond by saying, "Because none of those things define me or tell you who i really be, but if you ask me I will tell you, God made me perfectly me".

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crazzyy4u commented on I Am Perfectly Me


thats really kool it teaches people to be who they really are this was really touching and inspirational good job

themommyof2 commented on I Am Perfectly Me


That was very inspiring. I think that is a FANTASTIC way to think and feel. I loved it.

BoomShakaLaka commented on I Am Perfectly Me


I really like natural women, to me it shows me of their personility, I like his poem, and got a sort of phill style. miss the east cost. from south jersey. thanks for sharing!



Your welcome Boom and yes I am originally from Philly, Glad you enjoyed it.

AR commented on I Am Perfectly Me


Womenn need to stop letting the world dictate what is beautiful and what is sexy, Love who you are and who God made you to be

mamasan commented on I Am Perfectly Me


Yes, indeed, you are God's special creation; so you don't need the phony titles to define you. It's great you are able to express your joy because that is sending pure gratitude to the Creator. Enjoy and find the bliss each day because we were made to enjoy and spread joy. Nice read.

Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

Unknown Source

LBoogie’s Poems (13)

Title Comments
Title Comments
I'm Still Standing 0
The Haiti Earthquake 2
Little Princess 3
I am a Goddess, 15
Mental Abuse 5
The Eighth Sense 4
I remember when you used to be my everything 5
Welcome To The Game 7
I Am Perfectly Me 10
My Black Beautiful Sistahs of Color 3
Little Black girl Lost 5
You Can Do Anything 2
I Am Perfectly Me 6